Sunday, September 25, 2011

Country Music

This week finds me in Dallas and Nashville. I told my mother in law, who took up residence with us in June, that I was going to Dallas to get cowboy boots and a cowboy hat and then off to Nashville to be discovered. Of course we all know that will take a while since I can't play an instrument and certainly can't sing. Oh well, guess I will just have to keep working.

I haven't seen the inside of an emergency room in about a decade but made up for lost time this week. Last Sunday our oldest daughter was in a dirt bike race. It was her first and I am sure not last race. Unfortunately, right out of the gate some bikes piled up. She almost missed it but as she was passing one of the bikes flipped and caught her. She kept going but after the race she came up to me and said "I think I broke my finger". Being the good nurse that I am I immediately went and got the paramedics that are always standing by at these races. They said to take her to the ER but she wanted to wait and see the rest of the races. They just stared at her and said "most men would be crying by now!". We couldnt talk her out of waiting but eventually we got her taken care of. Not broken, but it did require 6 stitches! She's a tough one. 10 minutes on the track, 5 hours in the ER.

Our third daughter, also a nurse, saw the injury and almost passed out. Her husband had to bring the car around to pick her up but only after she got sick and fell on the ground.

Tomorrow I shall tell you about our next ER visit. For now just know that all is well.


Sarge Charlie said...

You are my country star.....see you Saturday......

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

what happened? pa gets to see you saturday! he's so happy about it...

hugs, me

the end

Sandee said...

Yikes on that finger. I'm glad she got it attended to. Getting an infection isn't a good thing and especially when it's one of your digits.

I want to see you in the boots and cowgirl hat. Just saying.

Have a terrific day and week. Hugs. :)

Traveling Bells said...

What Sandee said!...