Sunday, September 4, 2011

Amazing Journey Part V

Day Six:  Breakfast didn't come with our room and we wanted some local fare.  We lucked upon the Keluki Cafe.  Here they serve bannocks (a donut like pastry without the hole) as breakfast sandwiches.  I had the sausage, egg and cheese bannock.  I would almost drive back there for another one!  We purchased two more bannocks for the road as they were so fabulous. 

We re-entered the US and after going through the re-entry booth my wonderful spouse went around a barracade and bypassed customs.  Not on purpose, it was confusing, seriously.  I realized it as soon as it was done but it was too late.  We kept looking over our shoulders waiting for homeland security to run us down and strip search us and the vehicle.  They left us alone - which was not necessarily reassuring.

On to our final destination, which to protect the innocent, shall remain nameless.  I will say it is an island in the Puget Sound and it is gorgeous!

Here is the view from our daughter's living room window:

And here is the park where we had our picnic.

We spent a fabulous few days visiting and attending local farmer's markets, a pirate festival, boat races, and incredible restaurants with fresh seafood.  Yum!!

Leaving the car with our daughter (which was the whole excuse for the trip) we boarded a plane for home.  We miss her terribly already.

Tip:  Sometimes it is the destination and sometimes you make a journey of getting to the destination.  Sometimes it is both.  We booked our flight way ahead of time and got a wonderful rate.  Using points I was able to upgrade us both to first class and the trip home included fuzzy bunny slippers.  (Jerry Seinfeld reference ;))

Have a fabulous day!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

try to always make it the journey AND the destination. what a lovely trip. so happy you got to go...

hugs, bee

Traveling Bells said...

Wiggling toes...enjoyed the trip!

Cinderella said...

Oh my. What beauty again. You truly had an incredible trip, both from the destinations AND the journey sense. I am so happy for you!

Now I am going to go drool over the pictures again...

You do realize that I now HAVE to go to Banff? HAVE TO:)Oh yes, too pretty for words, it is!