Wednesday, August 3, 2011

To Plan or Not to Plan

For business travel I am definitely a planner.  I am guaranteed that my plans will change several times a month so I can be very flexible however I have, on more than one occasion, had to stay far from my workplace because I didn't plan enough in advance.

TIP #1:  Tuesdays are heavily traveled days.  Business travelers know to book their hotel rooms far in advance for these days.  The higher end accommodations book faster on the weekends but for business friendly hotels, the middle of the week can sometimes be difficult.

When it comes to personal travel, I am a super planner.  I want every detail worked out.   I just like to know things will work out and I won't be sleeping in my car.  For example, my spouse and I are planning a vacation, the first alone since we got married.  It will be a trip across country and we know where we want to stop.  Many of the hotels along our trip, at least the ones I have chosen, require full payment in advance if we are within 21 days of travel. 

Hmmm.  I am not sure how much driving we want to do each day.  The rooms are a bit high priced so if I go ahead and pay, we can't be flexible.  On the other hand, the rooms are hard to get in certain areas and we risk staying in the Days Inn if not properly planned.  Since conspiracy theorists have failed to convince me the earth is flat, I can rest assured that one bad hotel will not be the "end of the world."  It would be close though.

This leads me to a topic for my next post: Journey or Destination? 

I believe I have talked myself into a more relaxed drive planning only the day ahead.  If there are rooms, we stay.  If not, we will move on.  Hopefully we will have pictures to post...if I remember the camera.

Have a fabulous day!


Sandee said...

It's the journey that's the most important. I've always got the room the day before or the day of. I don't want my room reservations getting in the way of me changing my mind. I see we are alike on this one.

How far across country are you going? Anywhere near central California. Just asking.

Have a terrific day. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

the journey for sure. i like hampton inns and hawthorne suites pretty good and can usually get one of those last minute...

smiles, bee

Zane D. Clark said...

Do they allow dogs to go?

We like to plan as well.

Cinderella said...

I plan in minute detail.

Everything from which room in which hotel, to checking ggogle maps in advance for how much time it will take to get from point A to point B, to which restaurants to dine at and when, and then making advance reservations.

I love it that way at my age. As a kid, I just went and figured it out when I got there:)

I like both the journey and the destination in my own organzied way:)